The Glass Manifesto

Videos are windows into people's worlds.

Videos tell stories that entertain us, educate us, and inspire us.

It doesn't matter who you are, where you're from, or what you do.

You can think of at least one video that has changed your life.

Videos are valuable—and that shouldn’t be taken for granted.

Today’s video platforms are designed to maximize watch time.

But if all we do is watch, we have no time left to think. To process. To engage.

The video experience goes beyond the end of the video.

It continues when you share it. When you discuss it. When you create from it.

When you take the impact that the video had on you and pass it on.

Glass is a new system for communities to engage around video.

A system built on principles of authenticity, collaboration, and value.

Glass is where artists, filmmakers, entertainers, and storytellers let their imaginations run free.

Virality on Glass is not about getting a million views.

It’s about getting one view that inspires a million ideas.

We create for the love of it.

We believe in getting rewarded equitably and transparently.

We’re taking control over how we create, how we engage, and how we earn.

We’re breaking free from the established models and getting back to what brought us here—

Making great videos.